Thursday, August 9, 2007


Welcome to my blog! If you notice the first entry, you will see it has been a long time since my first blog. The reason for this is because my sister encouraged me to get started. However, I soon got overwhelmed with it all and stopped. So my sister, Sheri, got on my page and made it what it is. WOW! She even put the video of my kids in. Isn't that awesome! It' nice to have someone care enough to fill in my gaps (a few of my gaps being organization and creativity and computers). I love my page now and feel better about the whole "bloggin" thing. Thanks Sheri!


Jamie said...

So excited to see your blog!!! How fun I can not wait to see more.

SHERI said...

Yeah- I am so excited for your blog- maybe even more than I am about mine!

vanessa said...

welcome to the dark side...LOL cute blog!!!