Saturday, December 8, 2007

hanging christmas lights

Finally today we hung our Christmas lights outside. I have been promising the kids that we would do this today. Then, of course, it rained. So as soon as it stopped today, we were out putting up the lights. It was cold and wet and muddy but we got it done! (Now I just hope we get them down before February!)


Jamie said...

At least yours come out of the box. My hubby has a aversion to hanging lights and they have never left their cozy home in the garage.

Randi said...

Yea! More x-mas lights to look at in the neighborhood!

Anonymous said...

Can you come do our lights now? Chris' family really never did lights so he really doesn't want to. I am afraid of heights and I don't think he would let me. Please??

Kenyon said...

Wow, you went all out. Looks like lots of lights. We did some for the first time this year on the outside(just a few) but Im so proud:)

barbafamily said...

You are such a great mom! What fun that must have been right after the rain! This weather really makes it feel like winter!!!